Norton Ghost Usb Boot Disk

Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)
Hi folks-
I'm working on a laptop backup / disaster recovery scheme here.
How can I get the bootable Ghost 9 recovery environment onto a USB
memory key, making it bootable? My laptop (IBM T42P) can boot from USB.
Ghost 9.01 newbie here. My prior experience is all with Drive Image
ending with DI 2002. I would burn images to CD including bootable DOS
with the DI2002 executables, so that each image disk was a self-
contained recovery system (no other master recovery disk needed), or
more recently, I put the DI2002 on a DOS-bootable USB key.
Boot the USB key and BAM! I'm ready to recover from CD/DVD with the
I wasn't able to use DI2002 successfully to image my new laptop direct
to DVD (assorted weird problems) so I bought our corporate standard
Ghost. I'm on 9.01.
The main drawback I can see is that restoring the system drive requires
booting the specific CD with recovery console on it. I don't want to
have to carry it around, and there are problems when my recovery image
media needs the same drive as the recovery console CD.
Since Ghost 9 recovery environment is built on NT, I can't just run
executables from DOS. I need to get the whole recovery environment onto
the USB key.
Any thoughts?